MongoDB C++ Driver mongocxx-3.11.0
No Matches
mongocxx::v_noabi::collection Class Reference

#include <mongocxx/v_noabi/mongocxx/collection.hpp>


Class representing server side document groupings within a MongoDB database.

Collections do not require or enforce a schema and documents inside of a collection can have different fields. While not a requirement, typically documents in a collection have a similar shape or related purpose.

// Connect and get a collection.
auto coll = mongo_client["database"]["collection"];
Class representing a client connection to MongoDB.
Definition client.hpp:62
Class representing a MongoDB connection string URI.
Definition uri.hpp:43

Public Member Functions

 collection () noexcept
 Default constructs a collection object. The collection is equivalent to the state of a moved from collection. The only valid actions to take with a default constructed collection are to assign to it, or destroy it.
 collection (collection &&) noexcept
 Move constructs a collection.
 collection (const collection &)
 Copy constructs a collection.
 ~collection ()
 Destroys a collection.
cursor aggregate (const client_session &session, const pipeline &pipeline, const options::aggregate &options=options::aggregate())
 Runs an aggregation framework pipeline against this collection.
cursor aggregate (const pipeline &pipeline, const options::aggregate &options=options::aggregate())
 Runs an aggregation framework pipeline against this collection.
template<typename container_type >
stdx::optional< result::bulk_writebulk_write (const client_session &session, const container_type &writes, const options::bulk_write &options=options::bulk_write())
 Sends a container of writes to the server as a bulk write operation.
template<typename write_model_iterator_type >
stdx::optional< result::bulk_writebulk_write (const client_session &session, write_model_iterator_type begin, write_model_iterator_type end, const options::bulk_write &options=options::bulk_write())
 Sends writes starting at begin and ending at end to the server as a bulk write operation.
template<typename container_type >
stdx::optional< result::bulk_writebulk_write (const container_type &writes, const options::bulk_write &options=options::bulk_write())
 Sends a container of writes to the server as a bulk write operation.
template<typename write_model_iterator_type >
stdx::optional< result::bulk_writebulk_write (write_model_iterator_type begin, write_model_iterator_type end, const options::bulk_write &options=options::bulk_write())
 Sends writes starting at begin and ending at end to the server as a bulk write operation.
std::int64_t count_documents (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::count &options=options::count())
 Counts the number of documents matching the provided filter.
std::int64_t count_documents (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::count &options=options::count())
 Counts the number of documents matching the provided filter.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write create_bulk_write (const client_session &session, const options::bulk_write &options={})
 Creates a new bulk operation to be executed against this collection. The lifetime of the bulk_write is independent of the collection.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write create_bulk_write (const options::bulk_write &options={})
 Creates a new bulk operation to be executed against this collection. The lifetime of the bulk_write is independent of the collection.
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value create_index (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value keys, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value index_options={}, options::index_view operation_options=options::index_view{})
 Creates an index over the collection for the provided keys with the provided options.
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value create_index (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value keys, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value index_options={}, options::index_view operation_options=options::index_view{})
 Creates an index over the collection for the provided keys with the provided options.
stdx::optional< result::delete_resultdelete_many (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::delete_options &options=options::delete_options())
 Deletes all matching documents from the collection.
stdx::optional< result::delete_resultdelete_many (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::delete_options &options=options::delete_options())
 Deletes all matching documents from the collection.
stdx::optional< result::delete_resultdelete_one (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::delete_options &options=options::delete_options())
 Deletes a single matching document from the collection.
stdx::optional< result::delete_resultdelete_one (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::delete_options &options=options::delete_options())
 Deletes a single matching document from the collection.
cursor distinct (bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value name, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::distinct &options=options::distinct())
 Finds the distinct values for a specified field across the collection.
cursor distinct (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value name, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::distinct &options=options::distinct())
 Finds the distinct values for a specified field across the collection.
void drop (const bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::optional< mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern > &write_concern={}, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value collection_options={})
 Drops this collection and all its contained documents from the database.
void drop (const client_session &session, const bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::optional< mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern > &write_concern={}, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value collection_options={})
 Drops this collection and all its contained documents from the database.
std::int64_t estimated_document_count (const options::estimated_document_count &options=options::estimated_document_count())
 Returns an estimate of the number of documents in the collection.
cursor find (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::find &options=options::find())
 Finds the documents in this collection which match the provided filter.
cursor find (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::find &options=options::find())
 Finds the documents in this collection which match the provided filter.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::find &options=options::find())
 Finds a single document in this collection that match the provided filter.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::find &options=options::find())
 Finds a single document in this collection that match the provided filter.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_delete (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::find_one_and_delete &options=options::find_one_and_delete())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, deletes it, and returns the original.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_delete (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const options::find_one_and_delete &options=options::find_one_and_delete())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, deletes it, and returns the original.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_replace (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value replacement, const options::find_one_and_replace &options=options::find_one_and_replace())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, replaces it, and returns either the original or the replacement document.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_replace (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value replacement, const options::find_one_and_replace &options=options::find_one_and_replace())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, replaces it, and returns either the original or the replacement document.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_update (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update, const options::find_one_and_update &options=options::find_one_and_update())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_update (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const pipeline &update, const options::find_one_and_update &options=options::find_one_and_update())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_update (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update, const options::find_one_and_update &options=options::find_one_and_update())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_update (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update, const options::find_one_and_update &options=options::find_one_and_update())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_update (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const pipeline &update, const options::find_one_and_update &options=options::find_one_and_update())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.
stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::valuefind_one_and_update (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update, const options::find_one_and_update &options=options::find_one_and_update())
 Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.
index_view indexes ()
 Gets an index_view to the collection.
template<typename container_type >
stdx::optional< result::insert_manyinsert_many (const client_session &session, const container_type &container, const options::insert &options=options::insert())
 Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing identifiers the driver will generate them.
template<typename document_view_iterator_type >
stdx::optional< result::insert_manyinsert_many (const client_session &session, document_view_iterator_type begin, document_view_iterator_type end, const options::insert &options=options::insert())
 Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing identifiers the driver will generate them.
template<typename container_type >
stdx::optional< result::insert_manyinsert_many (const container_type &container, const options::insert &options=options::insert())
 Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing identifiers the driver will generate them.
template<typename document_view_iterator_type >
stdx::optional< result::insert_manyinsert_many (document_view_iterator_type begin, document_view_iterator_type end, const options::insert &options=options::insert())
 Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing identifiers the driver will generate them.
stdx::optional< result::insert_oneinsert_one (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value document, const options::insert &options={})
 Inserts a single document into the collection. If the document is missing an identifier (_id field) one will be generated for it.
stdx::optional< result::insert_oneinsert_one (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value document, const options::insert &options={})
 Inserts a single document into the collection. If the document is missing an identifier (_id field) one will be generated for it.
cursor list_indexes () const
 Returns a list of the indexes currently on this collection.
cursor list_indexes (const client_session &session) const
 Returns a list of the indexes currently on this collection.
stdx::string_view name () const
 Returns the name of this collection.
 operator bool () const noexcept
 Returns true if the collection is valid, meaning it was not default constructed or moved from.
collectionoperator= (collection &&) noexcept
 Move assigns a collection.
collectionoperator= (const collection &)
 Copy assigns a collection.
mongocxx::v_noabi::read_concern read_concern () const
 Gets the read_concern for the collection.
void read_concern (mongocxx::v_noabi::read_concern rc)
 Sets the read_concern for this collection. Changes will not have any effect on existing cursors or other read operations which use the previously-set read concern.
mongocxx::v_noabi::read_preference read_preference () const
 Gets the read_preference for the collection.
void read_preference (mongocxx::v_noabi::read_preference rp)
 Sets the read_preference for this collection. Changes will not have any effect on existing cursors or other read operations which use the read preference.
void rename (bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value new_name, bool drop_target_before_rename=false, const bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::optional< write_concern > &write_concern={})
 Rename this collection.
void rename (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value new_name, bool drop_target_before_rename=false, const bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::optional< write_concern > &write_concern={})
 Rename this collection.
stdx::optional< result::replace_onereplace_one (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value replacement, const options::replace &options=options::replace{})
 Replaces a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::replace_onereplace_one (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value replacement, const options::replace &options=options::replace{})
 Replaces a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
search_index_view search_indexes ()
 Gets a search_index_view to the collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_many (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_many (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const pipeline &update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_many (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_many (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_many (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const pipeline &update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_many (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_one (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_one (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const pipeline &update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_one (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_one (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_one (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, const pipeline &update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
stdx::optional< result::updateupdate_one (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter, std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update, const options::update &options=options::update())
 Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.
change_stream watch (const client_session &session, const options::change_stream &options={})
change_stream watch (const client_session &session, const pipeline &pipe, const options::change_stream &options={})
 Gets a change stream on this collection.
change_stream watch (const options::change_stream &options={})
 Gets a change stream on this collection with an empty pipeline. Change streams are only supported with a "majority" read concern or no read concern.
change_stream watch (const pipeline &pipe, const options::change_stream &options={})
 Gets a change stream on this collection. Change streams are only supported with a "majority" read concern or no read concern.
stdx::optional< result::bulk_writewrite (const client_session &session, const model::write &write, const options::bulk_write &options=options::bulk_write())
 Sends a write to the server as a bulk write operation.
stdx::optional< result::bulk_writewrite (const model::write &write, const options::bulk_write &options=options::bulk_write())
 Sends a write to the server as a bulk write operation.
mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern write_concern () const
 Gets the write_concern for the collection.
void write_concern (mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern wc)
 Sets the write_concern for this collection. Changes will not have any effect on existing write operations.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ collection() [1/3]

mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::collection ( )

Default constructs a collection object. The collection is equivalent to the state of a moved from collection. The only valid actions to take with a default constructed collection are to assign to it, or destroy it.

◆ collection() [2/3]

mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::collection ( collection && )

Move constructs a collection.

◆ collection() [3/3]

mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::collection ( const collection & )

Copy constructs a collection.

◆ ~collection()

mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::~collection ( )

Destroys a collection.

Member Function Documentation

◆ aggregate() [1/2]

cursor mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::aggregate ( const client_session & session,
const pipeline & pipeline,
const options::aggregate & options = options::aggregate() )

Runs an aggregation framework pipeline against this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the aggregation.
pipelineThe pipeline of aggregation operations to perform.
optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::aggregate.
A mongocxx::v_noabi::cursor with the results. If the query fails, the cursor throws mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exception when the returned cursor is iterated.
See also
In order to pass a read concern to this, you must use the collection level set read concern - collection::read_concern(rc). (Write concern supported only for MongoDB 3.4+).

◆ aggregate() [2/2]

cursor mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::aggregate ( const pipeline & pipeline,
const options::aggregate & options = options::aggregate() )

Runs an aggregation framework pipeline against this collection.

pipelineThe pipeline of aggregation operations to perform.
optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::aggregate.
A mongocxx::v_noabi::cursor with the results. If the query fails, the cursor throws mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exception when the returned cursor is iterated.
See also
In order to pass a read concern to this, you must use the collection level set read concern - collection::read_concern(rc). (Write concern supported only for MongoDB 3.4+).

◆ bulk_write() [1/4]

template<typename container_type >
stdx::optional< result::bulk_write > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::bulk_write ( const client_session & session,
const container_type & writes,
const options::bulk_write & options = options::bulk_write() )

Sends a container of writes to the server as a bulk write operation.

Template Parameters
container_typeThe container type. Must meet the requirements for the container concept with a value type of model::write.
sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the bulk operation.
writesA container of model::write.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::bulk_write.
The optional result of the bulk operation execution. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionwhen there are errors processing the writes.
See also

◆ bulk_write() [2/4]

template<typename write_model_iterator_type >
stdx::optional< result::bulk_write > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::bulk_write ( const client_session & session,
write_model_iterator_type begin,
write_model_iterator_type end,
const options::bulk_write & options = options::bulk_write() )

Sends writes starting at begin and ending at end to the server as a bulk write operation.

Template Parameters
write_model_iterator_typeThe container type. Must meet the requirements for the input iterator concept with a value type of model::write.
sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the bulk operation.
beginIterator pointing to the first model::write to send.
endIterator pointing to the end of the writes to send.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::bulk_write.
The optional result of the bulk operation execution, a result::bulk_write.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionwhen there are errors processing the writes.
See also

◆ bulk_write() [3/4]

template<typename container_type >
stdx::optional< result::bulk_write > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::bulk_write ( const container_type & writes,
const options::bulk_write & options = options::bulk_write() )

Sends a container of writes to the server as a bulk write operation.

Template Parameters
container_typeThe container type. Must meet the requirements for the container concept with a value type of model::write.
writesA container of model::write.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::bulk_write.
The optional result of the bulk operation execution. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionwhen there are errors processing the writes.
See also

◆ bulk_write() [4/4]

template<typename write_model_iterator_type >
stdx::optional< result::bulk_write > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::bulk_write ( write_model_iterator_type begin,
write_model_iterator_type end,
const options::bulk_write & options = options::bulk_write() )

Sends writes starting at begin and ending at end to the server as a bulk write operation.

Template Parameters
write_model_iterator_typeThe container type. Must meet the requirements for the input iterator concept with a value type of model::write.
beginIterator pointing to the first model::write to send.
endIterator pointing to the end of the writes to send.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::bulk_write.
The optional result of the bulk operation execution, a result::bulk_write.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionwhen there are errors processing the writes.
See also

◆ count_documents() [1/2]

std::int64_t mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::count_documents ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::count & options = options::count() )

Counts the number of documents matching the provided filter.

filterThe filter that documents must match in order to be counted.
optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::count.
The count of the documents that matched the filter.
mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exceptionif the count operation fails.
For a fast count of the total documents in a collection, see estimated_document_count().
Due to an oversight in MongoDB server versions 5.0.0 through 5.0.7, the count command was not included in Stable API v1. Users of the Stable API with estimatedDocumentCount are recommended to upgrade their server version to 5.0.8 or newer, or set apiStrict: false to avoid encountering errors.
See also

◆ count_documents() [2/2]

std::int64_t mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::count_documents ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::count & options = options::count() )

Counts the number of documents matching the provided filter.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the count.
filterThe filter that documents must match in order to be counted.
optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::count.
The count of the documents that matched the filter.
mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exceptionif the count operation fails.
Due to an oversight in MongoDB server versions 5.0.0 through 5.0.7, the count command was not included in Stable API v1. Users of the Stable API with estimatedDocumentCount are recommended to upgrade their server version to 5.0.8 or newer, or set apiStrict: false to avoid encountering errors.
See also

◆ create_bulk_write() [1/2]

mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::create_bulk_write ( const client_session & session,
const options::bulk_write & options = {} )

Creates a new bulk operation to be executed against this collection. The lifetime of the bulk_write is independent of the collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the bulk operation.
optionsOptional arguments; see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::bulk_write.
The newly-created bulk write.

◆ create_bulk_write() [2/2]

mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::create_bulk_write ( const options::bulk_write & options = {})

Creates a new bulk operation to be executed against this collection. The lifetime of the bulk_write is independent of the collection.

optionsOptional arguments; see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::bulk_write.
The newly-created bulk write.

◆ create_index() [1/2]

bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::create_index ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value keys,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value index_options = {},
options::index_view operation_options = options::index_view{} )

Creates an index over the collection for the provided keys with the provided options.

keysThe keys for the index: {a: 1, b: -1}
index_optionsA document containing optional arguments for creating the index.
operation_optionsOptional arguments for the overall operation, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::index_view.
mongocxx::v_noabi::operation_exceptionif index creation fails.
See also
Write concern supported only for MongoDB 3.4+.

◆ create_index() [2/2]

bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::create_index ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value keys,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value index_options = {},
options::index_view operation_options = options::index_view{} )

Creates an index over the collection for the provided keys with the provided options.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the index creation.
keysThe keys for the index: {a: 1, b: -1}
index_optionsA document containing optional arguments for creating the index.
operation_optionsOptional arguments for the overall operation, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::index_view.
mongocxx::v_noabi::operation_exceptionif index creation fails.
See also
Write concern supported only for MongoDB 3.4+.

◆ delete_many() [1/2]

stdx::optional< result::delete_result > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::delete_many ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::delete_options & options = options::delete_options() )

Deletes all matching documents from the collection.

filterDocument view representing the data to be deleted.
optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::delete_options.
The optional result of performing the deletion. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionif the delete fails.
See also

◆ delete_many() [2/2]

stdx::optional< result::delete_result > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::delete_many ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::delete_options & options = options::delete_options() )

Deletes all matching documents from the collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the deletion.
filterDocument view representing the data to be deleted.
optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::delete_options.
The optional result of performing the deletion. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionif the delete fails.
See also

◆ delete_one() [1/2]

stdx::optional< result::delete_result > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::delete_one ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::delete_options & options = options::delete_options() )

Deletes a single matching document from the collection.

filterDocument view representing the data to be deleted.
optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::delete_options.
The optional result of performing the deletion. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionif the delete fails.
See also

◆ delete_one() [2/2]

stdx::optional< result::delete_result > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::delete_one ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::delete_options & options = options::delete_options() )

Deletes a single matching document from the collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the deletion.
filterDocument view representing the data to be deleted.
optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::delete_options.
The optional result of performing the deletion. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionif the delete fails.
See also

◆ distinct() [1/2]

cursor mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::distinct ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value name,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::distinct & options = options::distinct() )

Finds the distinct values for a specified field across the collection.

nameThe field for which the distinct values will be found.
filterDocument view representing the documents for which the distinct operation will apply.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::distinct.
mongocxx::v_noabi::cursor having the distinct values for the specified field. If the operation fails, the cursor throws mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exception when the returned cursor is iterated.
See also

◆ distinct() [2/2]

cursor mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::distinct ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value name,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::distinct & options = options::distinct() )

Finds the distinct values for a specified field across the collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the operation.
nameThe field for which the distinct values will be found.
filterDocument view representing the documents for which the distinct operation will apply.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::distinct.
mongocxx::v_noabi::cursor having the distinct values for the specified field. If the operation fails, the cursor throws mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exception when the returned cursor is iterated.
See also

◆ drop() [1/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::drop ( const bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::optional< mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern > & write_concern = {},
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value collection_options = {} )

Drops this collection and all its contained documents from the database.

write_concern(optional) The write concern to use for this operation. Defaults to the collection wide write concern if none is provided.
collection_options(optional) Collection options to use for this operation.
mongocxx::v_noabi::operation_exceptionif the operation fails.
See also
Write concern supported only for MongoDB 3.4+.

◆ drop() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::drop ( const client_session & session,
const bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::optional< mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern > & write_concern = {},
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value collection_options = {} )

Drops this collection and all its contained documents from the database.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the drop.
write_concern(optional) The write concern to use for this operation. Defaults to the collection wide write concern if none is provided.
collection_options(optional) Collection options to use for this operation.
mongocxx::v_noabi::operation_exceptionif the operation fails.
See also
Write concern supported only for MongoDB 3.4+.

◆ estimated_document_count()

std::int64_t mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::estimated_document_count ( const options::estimated_document_count & options = options::estimated_document_count())

Returns an estimate of the number of documents in the collection.

optionsOptional arguments, see mongocxx::v_noabi::options::count.
The count of the documents that matched the filter.
mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exceptionif the count operation fails.
This function is implemented in terms of the count server command. See: for more information.
See also

◆ find() [1/2]

cursor mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::find & options = options::find() )

Finds the documents in this collection which match the provided filter.

filterDocument view representing a document that should match the query.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find
A mongocxx::v_noabi::cursor with the results. If the query fails, the cursor throws mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exception when the returned cursor is iterated.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the options are invalid, or if the unsupported option modifiers "$query" or "$explain" are used.
See also

◆ find() [2/2]

cursor mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::find & options = options::find() )

Finds the documents in this collection which match the provided filter.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the query.
filterDocument view representing a document that should match the query.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find
A mongocxx::v_noabi::cursor with the results. If the query fails, the cursor throws mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exception when the returned cursor is iterated.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the options are invalid, or if the unsupported option modifiers "$query" or "$explain" are used.
See also

◆ find_one() [1/2]

stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find_one ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::find & options = options::find() )

Finds a single document in this collection that match the provided filter.

filterDocument view representing a document that should match the query.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find
An optional document that matched the filter.
mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exceptionif the operation fails.
See also

◆ find_one() [2/2]

stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find_one ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::find & options = options::find() )

Finds a single document in this collection that match the provided filter.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the query.
filterDocument view representing a document that should match the query.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find
An optional document that matched the filter.
mongocxx::v_noabi::query_exceptionif the operation fails.
See also

◆ find_one_and_delete() [1/2]

Finds a single document matching the filter, deletes it, and returns the original.

filterDocument view representing a document that should be deleted.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_delete
The document that was deleted.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_delete() [2/2]

stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find_one_and_delete ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const options::find_one_and_delete & options = options::find_one_and_delete() )

Finds a single document matching the filter, deletes it, and returns the original.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the operation.
filterDocument view representing a document that should be deleted.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_delete
The document that was deleted.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_replace() [1/2]

Finds a single document matching the filter, replaces it, and returns either the original or the replacement document.

filterDocument view representing a document that should be replaced.
replacementDocument view representing the replacement for a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_replace.
The original or replaced document.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_replace() [2/2]

Finds a single document matching the filter, replaces it, and returns either the original or the replacement document.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the operation.
filterDocument view representing a document that should be replaced.
replacementDocument view representing the replacement for a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_replace.
The original or replaced document.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_update() [1/6]

Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.

filterDocument view representing a document that should be updated.
updateDocument view representing the update to apply to a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_update.
The original or updated document.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_update() [2/6]

stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find_one_and_update ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const pipeline & update,
const options::find_one_and_update & options = options::find_one_and_update() )

Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.

filterDocument view representing a document that should be updated.
updatePipeline representing the update to apply to a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_update.
The original or updated document.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_update() [3/6]

stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find_one_and_update ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update,
const options::find_one_and_update & options = options::find_one_and_update() )

Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.

filterDocument view representing a document that should be updated.
updateSupports the empty update {}.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_update.
The original or updated document.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_update() [4/6]

Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the operation.
filterDocument view representing a document that should be updated.
updateDocument view representing the update to apply to a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_update.
The original or updated document.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_update() [5/6]

stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find_one_and_update ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const pipeline & update,
const options::find_one_and_update & options = options::find_one_and_update() )

Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the operation.
filterDocument view representing a document that should be updated.
updatePipeline representing the update to apply to a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_update.
The original or updated document.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ find_one_and_update() [6/6]

stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::find_one_and_update ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update,
const options::find_one_and_update & options = options::find_one_and_update() )

Finds a single document matching the filter, updates it, and returns either the original or the newly-updated document.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the operation.
filterDocument view representing a document that should be updated.
updateSupports the empty update {}.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::find_one_and_update.
The original or updated document.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::logic_error if the collation option is specified and an unacknowledged write concern is used.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::write_exception if the operation fails.

◆ indexes()

index_view mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::indexes ( )

Gets an index_view to the collection.

◆ insert_many() [1/4]

template<typename container_type >
stdx::optional< result::insert_many > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::insert_many ( const client_session & session,
const container_type & container,
const options::insert & options = options::insert() )

Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing identifiers the driver will generate them.

Template Parameters
container_typeThe container type. Must meet the requirements for the container concept with a value type of model::write.
sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the inserts.
containerContainer of a documents to insert.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::insert.
The optional result of attempting to performing the insert. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionwhen the operation fails.

◆ insert_many() [2/4]

template<typename document_view_iterator_type >
stdx::optional< result::insert_many > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::insert_many ( const client_session & session,
document_view_iterator_type begin,
document_view_iterator_type end,
const options::insert & options = options::insert() )

Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing identifiers the driver will generate them.

Template Parameters
document_view_iterator_typeThe iterator type. Must meet the requirements for the input iterator concept with a value type of bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view.
sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the inserts.
beginIterator pointing to the first document to be inserted.
endIterator pointing to the end of the documents to be inserted.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::insert.
The result of attempting to performing the insert.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionif the operation fails.

◆ insert_many() [3/4]

template<typename container_type >
stdx::optional< result::insert_many > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::insert_many ( const container_type & container,
const options::insert & options = options::insert() )

Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing identifiers the driver will generate them.

This method uses the bulk insert command to execute the insertion as opposed to the legacy OP_INSERT wire protocol message. As a result, using this method to insert many documents on MongoDB < 2.6 will be slow.
Template Parameters
container_typeThe container type. Must meet the requirements for the container concept with a value type of model::write.
containerContainer of a documents to insert.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::insert.
The optional result of attempting to performing the insert. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionwhen the operation fails.

◆ insert_many() [4/4]

template<typename document_view_iterator_type >
stdx::optional< result::insert_many > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::insert_many ( document_view_iterator_type begin,
document_view_iterator_type end,
const options::insert & options = options::insert() )

Inserts multiple documents into the collection. If any of the documents are missing identifiers the driver will generate them.

This method uses the bulk insert command to execute the insertion as opposed to the legacy OP_INSERT wire protocol message. As a result, using this method to insert many documents on MongoDB < 2.6 will be slow.
Template Parameters
document_view_iterator_typeThe iterator type. Must meet the requirements for the input iterator concept with a value type of bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view.
beginIterator pointing to the first document to be inserted.
endIterator pointing to the end of the documents to be inserted.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::insert.
The result of attempting to performing the insert.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionif the operation fails.

◆ insert_one() [1/2]

stdx::optional< result::insert_one > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::insert_one ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value document,
const options::insert & options = {} )

Inserts a single document into the collection. If the document is missing an identifier (_id field) one will be generated for it.

documentThe document to insert.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::insert.
The optional result of attempting to perform the insert. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionif the operation fails.

◆ insert_one() [2/2]

stdx::optional< result::insert_one > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::insert_one ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value document,
const options::insert & options = {} )

Inserts a single document into the collection. If the document is missing an identifier (_id field) one will be generated for it.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the insert.
documentThe document to insert.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::insert.
The optional result of attempting to perform the insert. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionif the operation fails.

◆ list_indexes() [1/2]

cursor mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::list_indexes ( ) const

Returns a list of the indexes currently on this collection.

Cursor yielding the index specifications.
mongocxx::v_noabi::operation_exceptionif the operation fails.
See also

◆ list_indexes() [2/2]

cursor mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::list_indexes ( const client_session & session) const

Returns a list of the indexes currently on this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the operation.
Cursor yielding the index specifications.
mongocxx::v_noabi::operation_exceptionif the operation fails.
See also

◆ name()

stdx::string_view mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::name ( ) const

Returns the name of this collection.

The name of the collection. The return value of this method is invalidated by any subsequent call to collection::rename() on this collection object.

◆ operator bool()

mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::operator bool ( ) const

Returns true if the collection is valid, meaning it was not default constructed or moved from.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

collection & mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::operator= ( collection && )

Move assigns a collection.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

collection & mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::operator= ( const collection & )

Copy assigns a collection.

◆ read_concern() [1/2]

mongocxx::v_noabi::read_concern mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::read_concern ( ) const

Gets the read_concern for the collection.

If a read_concern has not been explicitly set for this collection object, it inherits the read_concern from its parent database or client object.

The current read_concern.

◆ read_concern() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::read_concern ( mongocxx::v_noabi::read_concern rc)

Sets the read_concern for this collection. Changes will not have any effect on existing cursors or other read operations which use the previously-set read concern.

rcThe new read_concern
See also

◆ read_preference() [1/2]

mongocxx::v_noabi::read_preference mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::read_preference ( ) const

Gets the read_preference for the collection.

The current read_preference.
See also

◆ read_preference() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::read_preference ( mongocxx::v_noabi::read_preference rp)

Sets the read_preference for this collection. Changes will not have any effect on existing cursors or other read operations which use the read preference.

rpThe read_preference to set.
See also

◆ rename() [1/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::rename ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value new_name,
bool drop_target_before_rename = false,
const bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::optional< write_concern > & write_concern = {} )

Rename this collection.

new_nameThe new name to assign to the collection.
drop_target_before_renameWhether to overwrite any existing collections called new_name. The default is false.
write_concern(optional) The write concern to use for this operation. Defaults to the collection wide write concern if none is provided.
mongocxx::v_noabi::operation_exceptionif the operation fails.
See also
Write concern supported only for MongoDB 3.4+.

◆ rename() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::rename ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value new_name,
bool drop_target_before_rename = false,
const bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::optional< write_concern > & write_concern = {} )

Rename this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the rename.
new_nameThe new name to assign to the collection.
drop_target_before_renameWhether to overwrite any existing collections called new_name. The default is false.
write_concern(optional) The write concern to use for this operation. Defaults to the collection wide write concern if none is provided.
mongocxx::v_noabi::operation_exceptionif the operation fails.
See also
Write concern supported only for MongoDB 3.4+.

◆ replace_one() [1/2]

stdx::optional< result::replace_one > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::replace_one ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value replacement,
const options::replace & options = options::replace{} )

Replaces a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.

filterDocument representing the match criteria.
replacementThe replacement document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::replace.
The optional result of attempting to replace a document. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the replacement is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ replace_one() [2/2]

stdx::optional< result::replace_one > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::replace_one ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value replacement,
const options::replace & options = options::replace{} )

Replaces a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the replace.
filterDocument representing the match criteria.
replacementThe replacement document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::replace.
The optional result of attempting to replace a document. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the replacement is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ search_indexes()

search_index_view mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::search_indexes ( )

Gets a search_index_view to the collection.

◆ update_many() [1/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_many ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.

filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updateDocument representing the update to be applied to matching documents.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update multiple documents. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_many() [2/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_many ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const pipeline & update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.

filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updatePipeline representing the update to be applied to matching documents.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update multiple documents. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_many() [3/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_many ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.

filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updateSupports the empty update {}.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update multiple documents. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_many() [4/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_many ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the update.
filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updateDocument representing the update to be applied to matching documents.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update multiple documents. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_many() [5/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_many ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const pipeline & update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the update.
filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updatePipeline representing the update to be applied to matching documents.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update multiple documents. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_many() [6/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_many ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the update.
filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updateSupports the empty update {}.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update multiple documents. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_one() [1/6]

Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.

filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updateDocument representing the update to be applied to a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update a document. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_one() [2/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_one ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const pipeline & update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.

filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updatePipeline representing the update to be applied to a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update a document. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_one() [3/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_one ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.

filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updateSupports the empty update {}.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update a document. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_one() [4/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_one ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the update.
filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updateDocument representing the update to be applied to a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update a document. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_one() [5/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_one ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
const pipeline & update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the update.
filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updatePipeline representing the update to be applied to a matching document.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update a document. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ update_one() [6/6]

stdx::optional< result::update > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::update_one ( const client_session & session,
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value filter,
std::initializer_list< _empty_doc_tag > update,
const options::update & options = options::update() )

Updates a single document matching the provided filter in this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the update.
filterDocument representing the match criteria.
updateSupports the empty update {}.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::update.
The optional result of attempting to update a document. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorif the update is invalid, or mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exception if the operation fails.
See also

◆ watch() [1/4]

change_stream mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::watch ( const client_session & session,
const options::change_stream & options = {} )
sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the watch operation.
optionsThe options to use when creating the change stream.
A change stream on this collection.
See also

◆ watch() [2/4]

change_stream mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::watch ( const client_session & session,
const pipeline & pipe,
const options::change_stream & options = {} )

Gets a change stream on this collection.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the watch operation.
pipeThe aggregation pipeline to be used on the change notifications.
optionsThe options to use when creating the change stream.
A change stream on this collection.
See also

◆ watch() [3/4]

change_stream mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::watch ( const options::change_stream & options = {})

Gets a change stream on this collection with an empty pipeline. Change streams are only supported with a "majority" read concern or no read concern.

optionsThe options to use when creating the change stream.
A change stream on this collection.
See also

◆ watch() [4/4]

change_stream mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::watch ( const pipeline & pipe,
const options::change_stream & options = {} )

Gets a change stream on this collection. Change streams are only supported with a "majority" read concern or no read concern.

pipeThe aggregation pipeline to be used on the change notifications. Only a subset of pipeline operations are supported for change streams. For more information see the change streams documentation.
optionsThe options to use when creating the change stream.
A change stream on this collection.
See also

◆ write() [1/2]

stdx::optional< result::bulk_write > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::write ( const client_session & session,
const model::write & write,
const options::bulk_write & options = options::bulk_write() )

Sends a write to the server as a bulk write operation.

sessionThe mongocxx::v_noabi::client_session with which to perform the bulk operation.
writeA model::write.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::bulk_write.
The optional result of the bulk operation execution. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionwhen there are errors processing the writes.
See also

◆ write() [2/2]

stdx::optional< result::bulk_write > mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::write ( const model::write & write,
const options::bulk_write & options = options::bulk_write() )

Sends a write to the server as a bulk write operation.

writeA model::write.
optionsOptional arguments, see options::bulk_write.
The optional result of the bulk operation execution. If the write concern is unacknowledged, the optional will be disengaged.
mongocxx::v_noabi::bulk_write_exceptionwhen there are errors processing the writes.
See also

◆ write_concern() [1/2]

mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::write_concern ( ) const

Gets the write_concern for the collection.

The current write_concern.

◆ write_concern() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::collection::write_concern ( mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern wc)

Sets the write_concern for this collection. Changes will not have any effect on existing write operations.

wcThe new write_concern to use.

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