MongoDB C++ Driver mongocxx-3.11.0
No Matches
mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern Class Reference

#include <mongocxx/v_noabi/mongocxx/write_concern.hpp>


Class representing the server-side requirement for reporting the success of a write operation. The strength of the write concern setting determines the level of guarantees that you will receive from MongoDB regarding write durability.

Weaker requirements that provide fewer guarantees report on success quickly while stronger requirements that provide greater guarantees will take longer (or potentially forever, if the write_concern's requirements are not satisfied and no timeout is set).

MongoDB drivers allow for different levels of write concern to better address the specific needs of applications. Clients may adjust write concern to ensure that the most important operations persist successfully to an entire MongoDB deployment. However, for other less critical operations, clients can adjust the write concern to ensure better performance rather than persistence to the entire deployment.

See also

Public Types

enum class  level
 A class to represent the write concern level for write operations. More...

Public Member Functions

 write_concern ()
 Constructs a new write_concern.
 write_concern (const write_concern &)
 Copy constructs a write_concern.
 write_concern (write_concern &&) noexcept
 Move constructs a write_concern.
 ~write_concern ()
 Destroys a write_concern.
level acknowledge_level () const
 Gets the current acknowledgment level.
void acknowledge_level (level confirm_level)
 Sets the acknowledge level.
bool is_acknowledged () const
 Gets whether this write_concern requires an acknowledged write.
bool journal () const
 Gets the current status of the journal parameter.
void journal (bool journal)
 Sets the journal parameter for this write concern.
bool majority () const
 Gets whether the majority of nodes is currently required by this write_concern.
void majority (std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
 Requires that a majority of the nodes in a replica set acknowledge a write operation before it is considered a success.
stdx::optional< std::int32_t > nodes () const
 Gets the current number of nodes that this write_concern requires operations to reach. This value will be unset if the acknowledge_level is set to majority, default, or tag.
void nodes (std::int32_t confirm_from)
 Sets the number of nodes that are required to acknowledge the write before the operation is considered successful. Write operations will block until they have been replicated to the specified number of servers in a replica set.
write_concernoperator= (const write_concern &)
 Copy assigns a write_concern.
write_concernoperator= (write_concern &&) noexcept
 Move assigns a write_concern.
stdx::optional< std::string > tag () const
 Gets the current getLastErrorMode that is required by this write_concern.
void tag (stdx::string_view tag)
 Sets the name representing the server-side getLastErrorMode entry containing the list of nodes that must acknowledge a write operation before it is considered a success.
std::chrono::milliseconds timeout () const
 Gets the current timeout for this write_concern.
void timeout (std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
 Sets an upper bound on the time a write concern can take to be satisfied. If the write concern cannot be satisfied within the timeout, the operation is considered a failure.
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value to_document () const
 Gets the document form of this write_concern.

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

bool operator== (const write_concern &, const write_concern &)
 Compares two write_concern objects for (in)-equality.
bool operator!= (const write_concern &, const write_concern &)
 Compares two write_concern objects for (in)-equality.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ level

A class to represent the write concern level for write operations.

See also

Represent the implicit default write concern.


Represent write concern with w: "majority".


Represent write concern with w: <custom write concern name>.


Represent write concern with w: 0.


Represent write concern with w: 1.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ write_concern() [1/3]

mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::write_concern ( )

Constructs a new write_concern.

◆ write_concern() [2/3]

mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::write_concern ( const write_concern & )

Copy constructs a write_concern.

◆ write_concern() [3/3]

mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::write_concern ( write_concern && )

Move constructs a write_concern.

◆ ~write_concern()

mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::~write_concern ( )

Destroys a write_concern.

Member Function Documentation

◆ acknowledge_level() [1/2]

level mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::acknowledge_level ( ) const

Gets the current acknowledgment level.

See also
The acknowledgment level.

◆ acknowledge_level() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::acknowledge_level ( level confirm_level)

Sets the acknowledge level.

See also
confirm_levelEither level::k_unacknowledged, level::k_acknowledged, level::k_default, or level::k_majority.
the acknowledge level of level::k_tag is set automatically when a tag is set.
Setting this to level::k_unacknowledged disables write acknowledgment and all other write concern options.
Unacknowledged writes using dollar-prefixed or dotted keys may be silently rejected by pre-5.0 servers.
Throwsmongocxx::v_noabi::exception for setting a tag acknowledge level. Use tag() instead.

◆ is_acknowledged()

bool mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::is_acknowledged ( ) const

Gets whether this write_concern requires an acknowledged write.

Whether this write concern requires an acknowledged write.

◆ journal() [1/2]

bool mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::journal ( ) const

Gets the current status of the journal parameter.

true if journal is required, false if not.

◆ journal() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::journal ( bool journal)

Sets the journal parameter for this write concern.

journalIf true confirms that the mongod instance has written the data to the on-disk journal before reporting a write operations was successful. This ensures that data is not lost if the mongod instance shuts down unexpectedly.

◆ majority() [1/2]

bool mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::majority ( ) const

Gets whether the majority of nodes is currently required by this write_concern.

The current majority setting.

◆ majority() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::majority ( std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)

Requires that a majority of the nodes in a replica set acknowledge a write operation before it is considered a success.

timeoutThe amount of time to wait before the write operation times out if it cannot reach the majority of nodes in the replica set. If the value is zero, then no timeout is set.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorfor an invalid timeout value.

◆ nodes() [1/2]

stdx::optional< std::int32_t > mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::nodes ( ) const

Gets the current number of nodes that this write_concern requires operations to reach. This value will be unset if the acknowledge_level is set to majority, default, or tag.

This is unset by default.

See also
The number of required nodes.

◆ nodes() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::nodes ( std::int32_t confirm_from)

Sets the number of nodes that are required to acknowledge the write before the operation is considered successful. Write operations will block until they have been replicated to the specified number of servers in a replica set.

confirm_fromThe number of replica set nodes that must acknowledge the write.
Setting the number of nodes to 0 disables write acknowledgment and all other write concern options.
Setting the number of nodes required to an amount greater than the number of available nodes will cause writes using this write concern to block forever if no timeout is set.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

write_concern & mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::operator= ( const write_concern & )

Copy assigns a write_concern.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

write_concern & mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::operator= ( write_concern && )

Move assigns a write_concern.

◆ tag() [1/2]

stdx::optional< std::string > mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::tag ( ) const

Gets the current getLastErrorMode that is required by this write_concern.

The current getLastErrorMode.

◆ tag() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::tag ( stdx::string_view tag)

Sets the name representing the server-side getLastErrorMode entry containing the list of nodes that must acknowledge a write operation before it is considered a success.

the acknowledge level of level::k_tag is set automatically when a tag is set.
tagThe string representing on of the "getLastErrorModes" in the replica set configuration.

◆ timeout() [1/2]

std::chrono::milliseconds mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::timeout ( ) const

Gets the current timeout for this write_concern.

Current timeout in milliseconds.

◆ timeout() [2/2]

void mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::timeout ( std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)

Sets an upper bound on the time a write concern can take to be satisfied. If the write concern cannot be satisfied within the timeout, the operation is considered a failure.

timeoutThe timeout (in milliseconds) for this write concern. If the value is zero, then no timeout is set.
mongocxx::v_noabi::logic_errorfor an invalid timeout value.

◆ to_document()

bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern::to_document ( ) const

Gets the document form of this write_concern.

Document representation of this write_concern.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator!=

bool operator!= ( const write_concern & ,
const write_concern &  )

Compares two write_concern objects for (in)-equality.

◆ operator==

bool operator== ( const write_concern & ,
const write_concern &  )

Compares two write_concern objects for (in)-equality.

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