MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.1.1
Deprecated List
Member bsoncxx::oid::oid (init_tag_t tag)
This constructor for bsoncxx::oid is still supported but deprecated.
Member bsoncxx::oid::operator bool () const
Uninitialized oids can no longer be created so this function will always return True.
Class bsoncxx::types::b_dbpointer
A BSON DBPointer (aka DBRef) is still supported but deprecated.
Class bsoncxx::types::b_symbol
This BSON type is deprecated and use by clients is discouraged.
Class bsoncxx::types::b_undefined
This BSON type is deprecated and use by clients is discouraged.
Member mongocxx::database::modify_collection (stdx::string_view name, const options::modify_collection &options=options::modify_collection())
This method is deprecated. To modify an existing collection, invoke the "collMod" command with database::run_command().
Member mongocxx::hint::operator bsoncxx::document::value () const
This method has been deprecated in favor of operator bsoncxx::types::value().
Member mongocxx::hint::to_document () const
This method has been deprecated in favor of to_value().
Member mongocxx::options::create_collection::operator bsoncxx::document::value () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Member mongocxx::options::create_collection::to_document () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Member mongocxx::options::create_view::operator bsoncxx::document::value () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Member mongocxx::options::create_view::to_document () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Member mongocxx::options::find::modifiers (bsoncxx::document::view_or_value modifiers)
The modifiers option has been deprecated, and has been replaced by new top-level options that have been introduced. For example, users should call find::snapshot() instead of calling find::modifiers() with a document containing a "$snapshot" field.
Member mongocxx::options::find::modifiers () const
The modifiers option has been deprecated, and has been replaced by new top-level options that have been introduced. For example, users should call find::snapshot() instead of calling find::modifiers() with a document containing a "$snapshot" field.
Class mongocxx::options::modify_collection
This class is deprecated. See the database::modify_collection() method comment for more information.
Member mongocxx::pipeline::view () const
The view_array() method should be used instead of this method.
Member mongocxx::validation_criteria::operator bsoncxx::document::value () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Member mongocxx::validation_criteria::to_document () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.