MongoDB C++ Driver mongocxx-3.11.0
No Matches
Deprecated List
Directory bsoncxx/v_noabi/bsoncxx/util
To be removed in an upcoming major release.
Struct bsoncxx::types::b_utf8
Use bsoncxx::types::b_string instead.
Class bsoncxx::types::value
Use bsoncxx::v_noabi::types::bson_value::view instead.
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::element::get_utf8 () const
use document::element::get_string() instead.
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::k_binary_deprecated
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::k_dbpointer
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::k_need_element_type_k_utf8
Use k_need_element_type_k_string instead.
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::k_symbol
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::k_undefined
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::k_utf8
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::k_uuid_deprecated
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::make_unique (Args &&... args)
Primarily for internal use; will be removed in an upcoming major release.
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx::make_unique (std::size_t count)
Primarily for internal use. Will be removed in an upcoming major release.
Struct bsoncxx::v_noabi::types::b_dbpointer
This BSON type is deprecated. Usage is discouraged.
Struct bsoncxx::v_noabi::types::b_symbol
This BSON type is deprecated. Usage is discouraged.
Struct bsoncxx::v_noabi::types::b_undefined
This BSON type is deprecated. Usage is discouraged.
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::types::b_utf8
Use b_string instead.
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::types::bson_value::view::get_utf8 () const
use get_string instead.
Member bsoncxx::v_noabi::types::value
Use bsoncxx::v_noabi::types::bson_value::view instead.

To be removed in an upcoming major release.


To be removed in an upcoming major release.

Support for external polyfill libraries is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Set ENABLE_BSONCXX_POLY_USE_IMPLS=ON or BSONCXX_POLY_USE_IMPLS=ON when configuring the bsoncxx library.
Support for external polyfill libraries is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Set ENABLE_BSONCXX_POLY_USE_IMPLS=ON or BSONCXX_POLY_USE_IMPLS=ON when configuring the bsoncxx library.
Support for external polyfill libraries is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Set ENABLE_BSONCXX_POLY_USE_IMPLS=ON or BSONCXX_POLY_USE_IMPLS=ON when configuring the bsoncxx library.
File create_collection.hpp
Use mongocxx::v_noabi::database::create_collection overloads with a BSON document option parameter instead.
File functor.hpp
This header is deprecated.
File make_unique.hpp
Primarily for internal use; will be removed in an upcoming major release.
Namespace mongocxx::stdx
Use bsoncxx::stdx instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::client::read_concern (mongocxx::v_noabi::read_concern rc)
This method is deprecated. Read concerns should be set either in the URI or directly on database or collection objects.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::client::read_preference (mongocxx::v_noabi::read_preference rp)
This method is deprecated. Read preferences should be set either in the URI or directly on database or collection objects.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::client::write_concern (mongocxx::v_noabi::write_concern wc)
This method is deprecated. Write concerns should be set either in the URI or directly on database or collection objects.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::database::create_collection (bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value name, const options::create_collection_deprecated &collection_options, const stdx::optional< write_concern > &write_concern={})
This overload is deprecated. Call database::create_collection with a bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value collection_options instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::database::create_collection (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value name, const options::create_collection_deprecated &collection_options, const stdx::optional< write_concern > &write_concern={})
This overload is deprecated. Call database::create_collection with a bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value collection_options instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::database::create_collection_deprecated (const client_session &session, bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value name, const options::create_collection_deprecated &collection_options, const stdx::optional< write_concern > &write_concern={})
This overload is deprecated. Call database::create_collection with a bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value collection_options instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::events::server_description::is_master () const
use hello instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::client::ssl_opts (tls ssl_opts)
Please use tls_opts instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::client::ssl_opts () const
Please use tls_opts instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::create_collection
Use mongocxx::v_noabi::database::create_collection overloads with a BSON document option parameter instead.
Class mongocxx::v_noabi::options::create_collection_deprecated
Use mongocxx::v_noabi::database::create_collection overloads with a BSON document option parameter instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::create_collection_deprecated::operator bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::create_collection_deprecated::to_document () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::find::comment (bsoncxx::v_noabi::string::view_or_value comment)
use comment_option instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::find::comment () const
use comment_option instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::index::haystack_bucket_size (double haystack_bucket_size)
This option is deprecated.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::index::haystack_bucket_size () const
This method is deprecated.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::options::ssl
Use mongocxx::v_noabi::options::tls instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::read_preference::read_preference (read_mode mode)
The constructor with no arguments and the method mode() should be used.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::read_preference::read_preference (read_mode mode, bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value tags)
The tags() method should be used instead.
Namespace mongocxx::v_noabi::stdx
Use bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::uri::ssl () const
The tls() method should be used instead of this method.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::operator bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Member mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::to_document () const
This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.

To be removed in an upcoming major release.


To be removed in an upcoming major release.

File ssl.hpp
Use mongocxx/v_noabi/mongocxx/options/tls.hpp instead.
File value.hpp
Use bsoncxx/v_noabi/bsoncxx/types/bson_value/view.hpp instead.