Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ src | |
▼ mongo | |
► base | |
compare_numbers.h | |
data_cursor.h | |
data_view.h | |
disallow_copying.h | |
encoded_value_storage.h | |
global_initializer.h | |
global_initializer_registerer.h | |
init.h | |
initializer.h | |
initializer_context.h | |
initializer_dependency_graph.h | |
initializer_function.h | |
initializer_functions.h | |
make_string_vector.h | |
owned_pointer_vector.h | |
parse_number.h | |
status-inl.h | |
status.h | |
status_with.h | |
string_data-inl.h | |
string_data.h | |
► bson | |
► util | |
bson_extract.h | |
builder.h | |
bson-inl.h | |
bson.h | Main bson include file for mongodb c++ clients |
bson_db.h | |
bson_field.h | |
bson_validate.h | |
bsonelement.h | |
bsonmisc.h | |
bsonobj.h | |
bsonobjbuilder.h | |
bsonobjiterator.h | |
bsontypes.h | |
inline_decls.h | |
oid.h | |
ordering.h | |
timestamp.h | |
► client | |
autolib.h | |
bulk_operation_builder.h | |
bulk_update_builder.h | |
bulk_upsert_builder.h | |
command_writer.h | |
constants.h | |
cyrus_sasl_client_session.h | |
dbclient.h | Include this file when writing client C++ applications, to get access to the mongod C++ driver |
dbclient_rs.h | Connect to a Replica Set, from C++ |
dbclient_writer.h | |
dbclientcursor.h | |
dbclientcursorshim.h | |
dbclientcursorshimarray.h | |
dbclientcursorshimcursorid.h | |
dbclientcursorshimtransform.h | |
dbclientinterface.h | Core MongoDB C++ driver interfaces are defined here |
dbclientmockcursor.h | |
delete_write_operation.h | |
exceptions.h | |
export_macros.h | |
gridfs.h | |
index_spec.h | |
init.h | |
insert_write_operation.h | |
native_sasl_client_session.h | |
options.h | |
redef_macros.h | Macros for mongo internals |
replica_set_monitor.h | |
replica_set_monitor_internal.h | |
sasl_client_authenticate.h | |
sasl_client_conversation.h | |
sasl_client_session.h | |
sasl_plain_client_conversation.h | |
sasl_scramsha1_client_conversation.h | |
undef_macros.h | Remove mongo implementation macros after using |
update_write_operation.h | |
wire_protocol_writer.h | |
write_concern.h | |
write_operation.h | |
write_operation_base.h | |
write_options.h | |
write_result.h | |
► crypto | |
crypto.h | |
mechanism_scram.h | |
► db | |
► repl | |
member_state.h | |
dbmessage.h | |
jsobj.h | BSON classes |
json.h | |
namespace_string-inl.h | |
namespace_string.h | |
► geo | |
boundingbox.h | |
constants.h | |
coordinates.h | |
coordinates2d.h | |
coordinates2dgeographic.h | |
geometry.h | |
geometrycollection.h | |
geoobj.h | |
interface.h | |
linestring.h | |
multilinestring.h | |
multipoint.h | |
multipolygon.h | |
namespaces.h | |
parser-impl.h | |
parser.h | |
point.h | |
polygon.h | |
queryutils.h | |
► logger | |
appender.h | |
component_message_log_domain.h | |
encoder.h | |
labeled_level.h | |
log_component.h | |
log_component_settings.h | |
log_domain-impl.h | |
log_domain.h | |
log_manager.h | |
log_severity-inl.h | |
log_severity.h | |
log_test.h | |
logger.h | |
logstream_builder.h | |
message_event.h | |
message_event_utf8_encoder.h | |
message_log_domain.h | |
tee.h | |
► platform | |
atomic_intrinsics.h | |
atomic_intrinsics_gcc_atomic.h | |
atomic_intrinsics_gcc_intel.h | |
atomic_intrinsics_gcc_sync.h | |
atomic_intrinsics_win32.h | |
atomic_word.h | |
atomic_word_cxx11.h | |
atomic_word_intrinsics.h | |
basic.h | |
compiler.h | |
compiler_gcc.h | |
compiler_msvc.h | |
cstdint.h | |
endian.h | |
float_utils.h | |
hash_namespace.h | |
random.h | |
strnlen.h | |
strtoll.h | |
unordered_map.h | |
unordered_set.h | |
windows_basic.h | |
► stdx | |
functional.h | |
► util | |
► concurrency | |
synchronization.h | |
threadlocal.h | |
► mongoutils | |
str.h | |
► net | |
hostandport.h | |
message.h | |
message_port.h | |
operation.h | |
sock.h | |
socket_poll.h | |
ssl_manager.h | |
assert_util.h | |
background.h | |
base64.h | |
debug_util.h | |
embedded_builder.h | |
fail_point.h | |
fail_point_registry.h | |
fail_point_service.h | |
hex.h | |
log.h | |
map_util.h | |
md5.h | |
md5.hpp | |
password_digest.h | |
scopeguard.h | |
shared_buffer.h | |
string_map.h | |
stringutils.h | |
text.h | |
time_support.h | |
timer-generic-inl.h | |
timer-inl.h | |
timer-posixclock-inl.h | |
timer-win32-inl.h | |
timer.h | |
unordered_fast_key_table.h | |
unordered_fast_key_table_internal.h | |