MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.0.1
Public Member Functions | List of all members
mongocxx::options::insert Class Reference

Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB insert operation. More...

#include <insert.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void bypass_document_validation (bool bypass_document_validation)
 Sets the bypass_document_validation option. More...
const stdx::optional< bool > & bypass_document_validation () const
 Gets the current value of the bypass_document_validation option. More...
void write_concern (class write_concern wc)
 Sets the write_concern for this operation. More...
const stdx::optional< class write_concern > & write_concern () const
 The current write_concern for this operation. More...
void ordered (bool ordered)
const stdx::optional< bool > & ordered () const
 The current ordered value for this operation. More...

Detailed Description

Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB insert operation.

Member Function Documentation

void mongocxx::options::insert::bypass_document_validation ( bool  bypass_document_validation)

Sets the bypass_document_validation option.

If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.

On servers >= 3.2, the server applies validation by default. On servers < 3.2, this option is ignored.
bypass_document_validationWhether or not to bypass document validation
const stdx::optional<bool>& mongocxx::options::insert::bypass_document_validation ( ) const

Gets the current value of the bypass_document_validation option.

The optional value of the bypass_document_validation option.
void mongocxx::options::insert::ordered ( bool  ordered)
: This applies only to insert_many and is ignored for insert_one.

If true, when an insert fails, return without performing the remaining writes. If false, when a write fails, continue with the remaining writes, if any. Inserts can be performed in any order if this is false. Defaults to true.

orderedWhether or not the insert_many will be ordered.
See also
const stdx::optional<bool>& mongocxx::options::insert::ordered ( ) const

The current ordered value for this operation.

The current ordered value.
See also
void mongocxx::options::insert::write_concern ( class write_concern  wc)

Sets the write_concern for this operation.

wcThe new write_concern.
See also
const stdx::optional<class write_concern>& mongocxx::options::insert::write_concern ( ) const

The current write_concern for this operation.

The current write_concern.
See also

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