MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.0.3
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cmongocxx::options::aggregateClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB aggregation operation
 Cbsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >A stream context which expects any number of values
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_arrayA BSON array value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_binaryA BSON binary data value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_boolA BSON boolean value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_codeA BSON JavaScript code value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_codewscopeA BSON JavaScript code with scope value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_dateA BSON date value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_dbpointerA BSON DBPointer value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_documentA BSON document value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_doubleA BSON double value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_int32A BSON signed 32-bit integer value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_int64A BSON 64-bit signed integer value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_maxkeyA BSON max-key value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_minkeyA BSON min-key value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_nullA BSON null value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_oidA BSON ObjectId value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_regexA BSON regex value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_symbolA BSON Symbol value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_timestampA BSON replication timestamp value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_undefinedA BSON undefined value
 Cbsoncxx::types::b_utf8A BSON UTF-8 encoded string value
 Cmongocxx::options::index::base_storage_optionsBase class representing the optional storage engine options for indexes
 Cmongocxx::options::bulk_writeClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB bulk write
 Cmongocxx::result::bulk_writeClass representing the result of a MongoDB bulk write operation
 Cmongocxx::bulk_writeClass representing a batch of write operations that can be sent to the server as a group
 Cmongocxx::options::clientClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB driver client object
 Cmongocxx::clientClass representing a client connection to MongoDB
 Cbsoncxx::builder::stream::closed_contextThe closed_context, when used as a template parameter for array_context, value_context or key_context, indicates that the document cannot be closed further
 Cmongocxx::collectionClass representing server side document groupings within a MongoDB database
 Cbsoncxx::builder::concatenate_arrayContainer to concatenate an array
 Cbsoncxx::builder::concatenate_docContainer to concatenate a document
 Cbsoncxx::builder::coreA low-level interface for constructing BSON documents and arrays
 Cmongocxx::options::countClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB count command
 Cmongocxx::options::create_collectionClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB createCollection command
 Cmongocxx::cursorClass representing a pointer to the result set of a query on a MongoDB server
 Cmongocxx::databaseClass representing a MongoDB database
 Cmongocxx::model::delete_manyClass representing a MongoDB delete operation that removes multiple documents
 Cmongocxx::model::delete_oneClass representing a MongoDB delete operation that removes a single document
 Cmongocxx::options::delete_optionsClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB delete operation
 Cmongocxx::result::delete_resultClass representing the result of a MongoDB delete operation
 Cmongocxx::options::distinctClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB distinct command
 Cbsoncxx::document::elementA variant view type that accesses values in serialized BSON documents
 Cmongocxx::options::findClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB query
 Cmongocxx::options::find_one_and_deleteClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB find_and_modify delete operation
 Cmongocxx::options::find_one_and_replaceClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB find_and_modify replace operation
 Cmongocxx::options::find_one_and_updateClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB find_and_modify update operation
 Cmongocxx::hintClass representing a hint to be passed to a database operation
 Cmongocxx::options::indexClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB create index operation
 Cmongocxx::options::insertClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB insert operation
 Cmongocxx::result::insert_manyClass representing the result of a MongoDB insert many operation (executed as a bulk write)
 Cmongocxx::insert_many_builderClass to build an insert_many bulk write operation
 Cmongocxx::model::insert_oneClass representing a MongoDB insert operation that creates a single document
 Cmongocxx::result::insert_oneClass representing the result of a MongoDB insert operation
 Cmongocxx::instanceClass representing an instance of the MongoDB driver
 Cbsoncxx::builder::stream::key_context< base >A stream context which expects a key, which can later be followed by value, then more key/value pairs
 Cmongocxx::loggerThe interface that all user-defined loggers must implement
 Cmongocxx::options::modify_collectionClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB collMod command
 Cbsoncxx::oidRepresents a MongoDB ObjectId
 Cmongocxx::pipelineClass representing a MongoDB aggregation pipeline
 Cmongocxx::poolA pool of client objects associated with a MongoDB deployment
 Cmongocxx::read_concernA class to represent the read concern
 Cmongocxx::read_preferenceClass representing a preference for how the driver routes read operations to members of a replica set or to a sharded cluster
 Cmongocxx::model::replace_oneClass representing a MongoDB update operation that replaces a single document
 Cmongocxx::result::replace_oneClass representing the result of a MongoDB replace_one operation
 Cbsoncxx::builder::stream::single_contextA stream context which appends a single value
 Cmongocxx::options::sslClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB driver client (SSL)
 Cbsoncxx::builder::basic::sub_arrayAn internal class of builder::basic
 Cbsoncxx::builder::basic::sub_documentAn internal class of builder::basic
 Cmongocxx::options::updateClass representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB update operation
 Cmongocxx::result::updateClass representing the result of a MongoDB update operation
 Cmongocxx::model::update_manyClass representing a MongoDB update operation that modifies multiple documents
 Cmongocxx::model::update_oneClass representing a MongoDB update operation that modifies a single document
 Cmongocxx::uriClass representing a MongoDB connection string URI
 Cmongocxx::validation_criteriaClass representing criteria for document validation, to be applied to a collection
 Cbsoncxx::validatorA validator is used to enable or disable specific checks that can be performed during BSON validation
 Cbsoncxx::array::valueA read-only BSON array that owns its underlying buffer
 Cbsoncxx::types::valueA variant that can contain any BSON type
 Cbsoncxx::document::valueA read-only BSON document that owns its underlying buffer
 Cbsoncxx::builder::stream::value_context< base >A stream context which expects a value, which can later be followed by more key/value pairs
 Cbsoncxx::array::viewA read-only, non-owning view of a BSON document
 Cbsoncxx::document::viewA read-only, non-owning view of a BSON document
 Cbsoncxx::view_or_value< View, Value >Class representing a view-or-value variant type
 Cbsoncxx::view_or_value< array::view, array::value >
 Cbsoncxx::view_or_value< document::view, document::value >
 Cbsoncxx::view_or_value< stdx::string_view, std::string >
 Cmongocxx::model::writeModels a single write operation within a
 Cmongocxx::write_concernClass representing the server-side requirement for reporting the success of a write operation