MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.1.0
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bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base > Class Template Reference

A stream context which expects any number of values. More...

#include <array_context.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 array_context (core *core)
 Create an array_context given a core builder. More...
template<class T >
std::enable_if< !(util::is_functor< T, void(array_context<>)>::value||util::is_functor< T, void(single_context)>::value||std::is_same< typename std::remove_reference< T >::type, const finalize_type >::value), array_context >::type & operator<< (T &&t)
 << operator for accepting a real value and appending it to the core builder. More...
template<typename Func >
std::enable_if<(util::is_functor< Func, void(array_context<>)>::value||util::is_functor< Func, void(single_context)>::value), array_context >::type & operator<< (Func func)
 << operator for accepting a callable of the form void(array_context) or void(single_context) and invoking it to perform 1 or more value appends to the core builder. More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< base, closed_context >::value &&std::is_same< typename std::remove_reference< T >::type, const finalize_type >::value, bsoncxx::array::value >::type operator<< (T &&)
 << operator for finalizing the stream. More...
key_context< array_contextoperator<< (const open_document_type)
 << operator for opening a new subdocument in the core builder. More...
array_context operator<< (concatenate_array array)
 << operator for concatenating another array. More...
array_context< array_contextoperator<< (const open_array_type)
 << operator for opening a new subarray in the core builder. More...
base operator<< (const close_array_type)
 << operator for closing a subarray in the core builder. More...
 operator array_context ()
 Conversion operator which provides a rooted array context given any stream currently in a nested array_context.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

 operator single_context ()
 Conversion operator for single_context. More...

Detailed Description

template<class base = closed_context>
class bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >

A stream context which expects any number of values.

The template argument can be used to hold additional information about containing documents or arrays. I.e. value_context<> implies that this array is a sub_array in a document, while array_context would indicated a sub_array in an array. These types can be nested, such that contextual parsing (for key/value pairs) and depth (to prevent an invalid array_close) are enforced by the type system.

I.e. builder << array_context << array_context << ...;

This builds a bson array with successively higher index keys

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class base = closed_context>
bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >::array_context ( core core)

Create an array_context given a core builder.

coreThe core builder to orchestrate

Member Function Documentation

template<class base = closed_context>
template<class T >
std::enable_if< !(util::is_functor<T, void(array_context<>)>::value || util::is_functor<T, void(single_context)>::value || std::is_same<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type, const finalize_type>::value), array_context>::type& bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >::operator<< ( T &&  t)

<< operator for accepting a real value and appending it to the core builder.

tThe value to append
template<class base = closed_context>
template<typename Func >
std::enable_if<(util::is_functor<Func, void(array_context<>)>::value || util::is_functor<Func, void(single_context)>::value), array_context>::type& bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >::operator<< ( Func  func)

<< operator for accepting a callable of the form void(array_context) or void(single_context) and invoking it to perform 1 or more value appends to the core builder.

funcThe callback to invoke
template<class base = closed_context>
key_context<array_context> bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >::operator<< ( const open_document_type  )

<< operator for opening a new subdocument in the core builder.

_An open_document_type token
template<class base = closed_context>
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_same<base, closed_context>::value && std::is_same<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type, const finalize_type>::value, bsoncxx::array::value>::type bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >::operator<< ( T &&  )

<< operator for finalizing the stream.

This operation finishes all processing necessary to fully encode the bson bytes and returns an owning value.

_A finalize_type token
A value type which holds the complete bson document.
template<class base = closed_context>
array_context<array_context> bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >::operator<< ( const open_array_type  )

<< operator for opening a new subarray in the core builder.

_An open_document_type token
template<class base = closed_context>
array_context bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >::operator<< ( concatenate_array  array)

<< operator for concatenating another array.

This operation concatenates all of the values from the passed document into the current stream. Keys are adjusted to match the existing array.

arrayAn array to concatenate
template<class base = closed_context>
base bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< base >::operator<< ( const close_array_type  )

<< operator for closing a subarray in the core builder.

_A close_array_type token

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class T >
bsoncxx::builder::stream::array_context< T >::operator single_context ( )

Conversion operator for single_context.

Implementation of the single_context conversion operator for array_context.

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