MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.1.1
Public Member Functions | List of all members
mongocxx::model::write Class Reference

Models a single write operation within a . More...

#include <write.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 write (insert_one value)
 Constructs a write from an .
 write (update_one value)
 Constructs a write from an .
 write (update_many value)
 Constructs a write from an .
 write (delete_one value)
 Constructs a write from a .
 write (delete_many value)
 Constructs a write from a .
 write (replace_one value)
 Constructs a write from a .
 write (write &&rhs) noexcept
 Move constructs a write.
writeoperator= (write &&rhs) noexcept
 Move assigns a write.
 ~write ()
 Destroys a write.
write_type type () const
 Returns the current type of this write. More...
const insert_oneget_insert_one () const
 Accesses the write as an . More...
const update_oneget_update_one () const
 Accesses the write as an . More...
const update_manyget_update_many () const
 Accesses the write as an . More...
const delete_oneget_delete_one () const
 Accesses the write as a . More...
const delete_manyget_delete_many () const
 Accesses the write as a . More...
const replace_oneget_replace_one () const
 Accesses the write as a . More...

Detailed Description

Models a single write operation within a .

Member Function Documentation

const delete_many& mongocxx::model::write::get_delete_many ( ) const

Accesses the write as a .

It is illegal to call this method if the return of (above) does not indicate that this object currently contains the applicable type.

const delete_one& mongocxx::model::write::get_delete_one ( ) const

Accesses the write as a .

It is illegal to call this method if the return of (above) does not indicate that this object currently contains the applicable type.

const insert_one& mongocxx::model::write::get_insert_one ( ) const

Accesses the write as an .

It is illegal to call this method if the return of (above) does not indicate that this object currently contains the applicable type.

const replace_one& mongocxx::model::write::get_replace_one ( ) const

Accesses the write as a .

It is illegal to call this method if the return of (above) does not indicate that this object currently contains the applicable type.

const update_many& mongocxx::model::write::get_update_many ( ) const

Accesses the write as an .

It is illegal to call this method if the return of (above) does not indicate that this object currently contains the applicable type.

const update_one& mongocxx::model::write::get_update_one ( ) const

Accesses the write as an .

It is illegal to call this method if the return of (above) does not indicate that this object currently contains the applicable type.

write_type mongocxx::model::write::type ( ) const

Returns the current type of this write.

You must call this method before calling any of the get methods below.

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