MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.1.1
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mongocxx::options::bulk_write Class Reference

Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB bulk write. More...

#include <bulk_write.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 bulk_write ()
 Constructs a new bulk_write object. More...
bulk_writeordered (bool ordered)
 Sets whether the writes must be executed in order by the server. More...
bool ordered () const
 Gets the current value of the ordered option. More...
bulk_writewrite_concern (class write_concern wc)
 Sets the write_concern for this operation. More...
const stdx::optional< class write_concern > & write_concern () const
 The current write_concern for this operation. More...
bulk_writebypass_document_validation (bool bypass_document_validation)
 Set whether or not to bypass document validation for this operation. More...
const stdx::optional< bool > bypass_document_validation () const
 The current setting for bypassing document validation for this operation. More...

Detailed Description

Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB bulk write.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mongocxx::options::bulk_write::bulk_write ( )

Constructs a new bulk_write object.

By default, bulk writes are considered ordered as this is the only safe choice. If you want an unordered update, you must call ordered(false) to switch to unordered mode.

Member Function Documentation

bulk_write& mongocxx::options::bulk_write::bypass_document_validation ( bool  bypass_document_validation)

Set whether or not to bypass document validation for this operation.

bypass_document_validationWhether or not to bypass document validation.
const stdx::optional<bool> mongocxx::options::bulk_write::bypass_document_validation ( ) const

The current setting for bypassing document validation for this operation.

The current document validation bypass setting.
bulk_write& mongocxx::options::bulk_write::ordered ( bool  ordered)

Sets whether the writes must be executed in order by the server.

The server-side default is true.

orderedIf true all write operations will be executed serially in the order they were appended, and the entire bulk operation will abort on the first error. If false operations will be executed in arbitrary order (possibly in parallel on the server) and any errors will be reported after attempting all operations.
bool mongocxx::options::bulk_write::ordered ( ) const

Gets the current value of the ordered option.

The value of the ordered option.
bulk_write& mongocxx::options::bulk_write::write_concern ( class write_concern  wc)

Sets the write_concern for this operation.

wcThe new write_concern.
See also
const stdx::optional<class write_concern>& mongocxx::options::bulk_write::write_concern ( ) const

The current write_concern for this operation.

The current write_concern.
See also

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