MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.10.2
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mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria Class Reference

Class representing criteria for document validation, to be applied to a collection. More...

#include <validation_criteria.hpp>

Public Types

enum class  validation_level
 A class to represent the different validation level options. More...
enum class  validation_action
 A class to represent the different validation action options. More...

Public Member Functions

validation_criteriarule (bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value rule)
 Sets a validation rule for this validation object. More...
const stdx::optional< bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value > & rule () const
 Gets the validation rule for this validation object. More...
validation_criterialevel (validation_level level)
 Sets a validation level. More...
const stdx::optional< validation_level > & level () const
 Gets the validation level. More...
validation_criteriaaction (validation_action action)
 Sets a validation action to run when documents failing validation are inserted or modified. More...
const stdx::optional< validation_action > & action () const
 Gets the validation action to run when documents failing validation are inserted or modified. More...
bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value to_document () const
 Returns a bson document representing this set of validation criteria. More...
 operator bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value () const

Detailed Description

Class representing criteria for document validation, to be applied to a collection.

See also

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ validation_action

A class to represent the different validation action options.

  • k_error: Reject any insertion or update that violates the validation criteria.
  • k_warn: Log any violations of the validation criteria, but allow the insertion or update to proceed.

◆ validation_level

A class to represent the different validation level options.

  • k_off: Disable validation entirely.
  • k_moderate: Apply validation rules to inserts, and apply validation rules to updates only if the document to be updated already fulfills the validation criteria.
  • k_strict: Apply validation rules to all inserts and updates.

Member Function Documentation

◆ action() [1/2]

const stdx::optional<validation_action>& mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::action ( ) const

Gets the validation action to run when documents failing validation are inserted or modified.

The enumerated validation action.

◆ action() [2/2]

validation_criteria& mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::action ( validation_action  action)

Sets a validation action to run when documents failing validation are inserted or modified.

actionAn enumerated validation action.
A reference to the object on which this member function is being called. This facilitates method chaining.

◆ level() [1/2]

const stdx::optional<validation_level>& mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::level ( ) const

Gets the validation level.

The enumerated validation level.

◆ level() [2/2]

validation_criteria& mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::level ( validation_level  level)

Sets a validation level.

levelAn enumerated validation level.
A reference to the object on which this member function is being called. This facilitates method chaining.

◆ operator bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value()

mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::operator bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value ( ) const
This method is deprecated.

To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.

◆ rule() [1/2]

const stdx::optional<bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value>& mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::rule ( ) const

Gets the validation rule for this validation object.

Document representing a validation rule.

◆ rule() [2/2]

validation_criteria& mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::rule ( bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::view_or_value  rule)

Sets a validation rule for this validation object.

ruleDocument representing a validation rule.
A reference to the object on which this member function is being called. This facilitates method chaining.

◆ to_document()

bsoncxx::v_noabi::document::value mongocxx::v_noabi::validation_criteria::to_document ( ) const

Returns a bson document representing this set of validation criteria.

This method is deprecated. To determine which options are set on this object, use the provided accessors instead.
Validation criteria, as a document.

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