MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.10.2
bsoncxx::v_noabi::stdx Namespace Reference

Declares polyfills for C++17 forward compatibility. More...


template<typename T , typename... Args, typename Impl = detail::make_unique_impl<T>, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_array< T >::value, decltype(Impl::make(std::true_type{}, std::declval< Args >()...), void())>::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > make_unique (Args &&... args)
 Equivalent to std::make_unique<T>(args...) where T is a non-array type.
template<typename T , typename Impl = detail::make_unique_impl<T>, typename std::enable_if< std::is_array< T >::value, decltype(Impl::make(std::true_type{}, std::declval< std::size_t >()), void())>::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > make_unique (std::size_t count)
 Equivalent to std::make_unique<T>(count) where T is an array type.
template<typename T , typename Impl = detail::make_unique_impl<T>, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_array< T >::value, decltype(Impl::make(std::false_type{}), void())>::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > make_unique_for_overwrite ()
 Equivalent to std::make_unique_for_overwrite<T>() where T is a non-array type.
template<typename T , typename Impl = detail::make_unique_impl<T>, typename std::enable_if< std::is_array< T >::value, decltype(Impl::make(std::false_type{}, std::declval< std::size_t >()), void())>::type * = nullptr>
std::unique_ptr< T > make_unique_for_overwrite (std::size_t count)
 Equivalent to std::make_unique_for_overwrite<T>(count) where T is an array type.

Detailed Description

Declares polyfills for C++17 forward compatibility.