MongoDB C++ Driver
A BSONField holds the name and the type intended for a given BSON element. More...
#include <bson_field.h>
A BSONField holds the name and the type intended for a given BSON element.
The class helps documenting and enforcing that field's type.
Example usages:
In a header file: // Determines the types for the fields used in a collection. static const string MyColl; struct MyCollFields { static BSONField<string> name; static BSONField<bool> draining; static BSONField<int> count; }; In a cpp file: const string MyColl = "my_collection_name"; // determines the names used for the fields BSONField<string> MyCollFields::name("_id"); BSONField<bool> MyCollFields::draining("draining"); BSONField<int> MyCollFields::count("count"); In an insert: conn->insert(myColl, BSON(MyCollFields::name("id_for_this_doc") << MyCollFields::draining(true) << MyCollFields::count(0))); In a query: conn->findOne(myColl, BSON( ;