▼Nbsoncxx | |
►Narray | |
Celement | A variant view type that accesses values in serialized BSON arrays |
Cvalue | A read-only BSON array that owns its underlying buffer |
►Cview | A read-only, non-owning view of a BSON document |
Cconst_iterator | A const iterator over the contents of an array view |
Citerator | A mutable iterator over the contents of an array view |
►Nbuilder | |
►Nbasic | |
Carray | A traditional builder-style interface for constructing a BSON array |
Cdocument | A traditional builder-style interface for constructing a BSON document |
Csub_array | An internal class of builder::basic |
Csub_document | An internal class of builder::basic |
►Nstream | |
Carray | A streaming interface for constructing a BSON array |
Carray_context | A stream context which expects any number of values |
Cclose_array_type | |
Cclose_document_type | |
Cclosed_context | The closed_context, when used as a template parameter for array_context, value_context or key_context, indicates that the document cannot be closed further |
Cdocument | A streaming interface for constructing a BSON document |
Cfinalize_type | |
Ckey_context | A stream context which expects a key, which can later be followed by value, then more key/value pairs |
Copen_array_type | |
Copen_document_type | |
Csingle_context | A stream context which appends a single value |
Cvalue_context | A stream context which expects a value, which can later be followed by more key/value pairs |
Cconcatenate_array | Container to concatenate an array |
Cconcatenate_doc | Container to concatenate a document |
Ccore | A low-level interface for constructing BSON documents and arrays |
►Ndocument | |
Celement | A variant view type that accesses values in serialized BSON documents |
Cvalue | A read-only BSON document that owns its underlying buffer |
►Cview | A read-only, non-owning view of a BSON document |
Cconst_iterator | A const iterator over the contents of a document view |
Citerator | A mutable iterator over the contents of a document view |
►Nstring | |
Cview_or_value | Class representing a view-or-value variant type for strings |
►Ntypes | |
Cb_array | A BSON array value |
Cb_binary | A BSON binary data value |
Cb_bool | A BSON boolean value |
Cb_code | A BSON JavaScript code value |
Cb_codewscope | A BSON JavaScript code with scope value |
Cb_date | A BSON date value |
Cb_dbpointer | A BSON DBPointer value |
Cb_document | A BSON document value |
Cb_double | A BSON double value |
Cb_int32 | A BSON signed 32-bit integer value |
Cb_int64 | A BSON 64-bit signed integer value |
Cb_maxkey | A BSON max-key value |
Cb_minkey | A BSON min-key value |
Cb_null | A BSON null value |
Cb_oid | A BSON ObjectId value |
Cb_regex | A BSON regex value |
Cb_symbol | A BSON JavaScript code value |
Cb_timestamp | A BSON replication timestamp value |
Cb_undefined | A BSON undefined value |
Cb_utf8 | A BSON UTF-8 encoded string value |
Cvalue | A variant that can contain any BSON type |
Cexception | Class representing any exceptions emitted from the bsoncxx library or its underlying implementation |
►Coid | Represents a MongoDB ObjectId |
Cinit_tag_t | |
Cvalidator | A validator is used to enable or disable specific checks that can be performed during BSON validation |
Cview_or_value | Class representing a view-or-value variant type |
▼Nmongocxx | |
►Nmodel | |
Cdelete_many | Class representing a MongoDB delete operation that removes multiple documents |
Cdelete_one | Class representing a MongoDB delete operation that removes a single document |
Cinsert_one | Class representing a MongoDB insert operation that creates a single document |
Creplace_one | Class representing a MongoDB update operation that replaces a single document |
Cupdate_many | Class representing a MongoDB update operation that modifies multiple documents |
Cupdate_one | Class representing a MongoDB update operation that modifies a single document |
Cwrite | |
►Noptions | |
Caggregate | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB aggregation operation |
Cbulk_write | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB bulk write |
Cclient | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB driver client object |
Ccount | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB count command |
Ccreate_collection | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB createCollection command |
Cdelete_options | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB delete operation |
Cdistinct | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB distinct command |
Cfind | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB query |
Cfind_one_and_delete | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB find_and_modify delete operation |
Cfind_one_and_replace | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB find_and_modify replace operation |
Cfind_one_and_update | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB find_and_modify update operation |
►Cindex | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB create index operation |
Cbase_storage_options | Base class representing the optional storage engine options for indexes |
Cwiredtiger_storage_options | Class representing the optional WiredTiger storage engine options for indexes |
Cinsert | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB insert operation |
Cmodify_collection | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB collMod command |
Cssl | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB driver client (SSL) |
Cupdate | Class representing the optional arguments to a MongoDB update operation |
►Nresult | |
Cbulk_write | Class representing the result of a MongoDB bulk write operation |
Cdelete_result | Class representing the result of a MongoDB delete operation |
Cinsert_many | Class representing the result of a MongoDB insert many operation (executed as a bulk write) |
Cinsert_one | Class representing the result of a MongoDB insert operation |
Creplace_one | Class representing the result of a MongoDB replace_one operation |
Cupdate | Class representing the result of a MongoDB update operation |
Cauthentication_exception | |
Cbulk_write | Class representing a batch of write operations that can be sent to the server as a group |
Cbulk_write_exception | |
Cclient | Class representing a client connection to MongoDB |
Ccollection | Class representing server side document groupings within a MongoDB database |
►Ccursor | Class representing a pointer to the result set of a query on a MongoDB server |
Citerator | Class representing an input iterator of documents in a MongoDB cursor result set |
Cdatabase | Class representing a MongoDB database |
Cexception | A class to be used as the base class for all mongocxx exceptions |
Chint | Class representing a hint to be passed to a database operation |
Cinsert_many_builder | Class to build an insert_many bulk write operation |
Cinstance | Class representing an instance of the MongoDB driver |
Clogger | The interface that all user-defined loggers must implement |
Clogic_error | |
Coperation_exception | |
Cpipeline | Class representing a MongoDB aggregation pipeline |
Cpool | A pool of client objects associated with a MongoDB deployment |
Cquery_exception | |
Cread_concern | A class to represent the read concern |
Cread_preference | Class representing a preference for how the driver routes read operations to members of a replica set or to a sharded cluster |
►Curi | Class representing a MongoDB connection string URI |
Chost | |
Cvalidation_criteria | Class representing criteria for document validation, to be applied to a collection |
Cwrite_concern | Class representing the server-side requirement for reporting the success of a write operation |
Cwrite_exception | |
▼Nstd | |
Cis_error_code_enum< bsoncxx::error_code > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< mongocxx::error_code > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< mongocxx::server_error_code > | |