MongoDB C++ Driver  mongocxx-3.0.0
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mongocxx::read_concern Class Reference

A class to represent the read concern. More...

#include <read_concern.hpp>

Public Types

enum  level
 A class to represent the read concern level. More...

Public Member Functions

 read_concern ()
 Constructs a new read_concern with default acknowledge_level of k_server_default. More...
 read_concern (const read_concern &)
 Copy constructs a read_concern.
read_concernoperator= (const read_concern &)
 Copy assigns a read_concern.
 read_concern (read_concern &&) noexcept
 Move constructs a read_concern.
read_concernoperator= (read_concern &&) noexcept
 Move assigns a read_concern.
 ~read_concern ()
 Destroys a read_concern.
void acknowledge_level (level rc_level)
 Sets the read concern level. More...
level acknowledge_level () const
 Gets the current read concern level. More...
void acknowledge_string (stdx::string_view rc_string)
 Sets the read concern string. More...
stdx::string_view acknowledge_string () const
 Gets the current read concern string. More...

Detailed Description

A class to represent the read concern.

Read concern can be set at the client, database, or collection level. The read concern can also be provided via connection string, and will be parsed and set on the client constructed for the URI.

For the WiredTiger storage engine, MongoDB 3.2 introduced the readConcern option for replica sets and replica set shards. The readConcern option allows clients to choose a level of isolation for their reads. You can specify a readConcern of "majority" to read data that has been written to a majority of nodes and thus cannot be rolled back. By default, MongoDB uses a readConcern of "local" which does not guarantee that the read data would not be rolled back.

See also

Member Enumeration Documentation

A class to represent the read concern level.

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mongocxx::read_concern::read_concern ( )

Constructs a new read_concern with default acknowledge_level of k_server_default.

The k_server_default acknowledge level has an empty acknowledge_string. Queries that run with this read_concern will use the server's default read_concern instead of specifying one.

Member Function Documentation

void mongocxx::read_concern::acknowledge_level ( level  rc_level)

Sets the read concern level.

rc_levelEither k_local, k_majority, or k_server_default.
std::invalid_argumentif rc_level is not k_local, k_majority, or k_server_default.
level mongocxx::read_concern::acknowledge_level ( ) const

Gets the current read concern level.

If this was set with acknowledge_string to anything other than "local", "majority", or an empty string, this will return k_unknown.

The read concern level.
void mongocxx::read_concern::acknowledge_string ( stdx::string_view  rc_string)

Sets the read concern string.

One of "local", "majority", or "".

rc_stringThe read concern string.
stdx::string_view mongocxx::read_concern::acknowledge_string ( ) const

Gets the current read concern string.

If the read concern level was set with acknowledge_level, this will return either "local", "majority", or an empty string for k_server_default.

The read concern string.

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